Meditation is nothing but a way, a method to connect you with the eternal, to take you beyond time, beyond that which is born and dies, to take you beyond all the boundaries, to take you to the inconceivable and the unknowable. And it is not far away; it is as close as it can be. Even to say that it is close is not right because, it is exactly your very being, it is you.  Meditation is not something that is done by the mind. It is the absence of the mind. When the mind stops, meditation happens. It is not something out of the mind. It is something beyond the mind.

Meditation has only one meaning and that is going beyond the mind and becoming a witness. In your witnessing is the whole miracle- the whole mystery of life. And when meditation comes to its completion, then your whole being becomes full of light, full of blissfulness, full of ecstasy. Ultimate in meditation is enlightenment.

Meditation is not meaningful for one who has attained the wholeness (Buddhahood) of his being. Meditation is a medicine; it has to be thrown once you become spiritually healthy. So, remember, meditation is not something to be carried forever and ever.  The day will come when the meditation has worked and is no longer needed. Then you can forget it.

For example: A river is flowing to the sea to become ocean one day. The journey has started, the search has begun. Once it merges into the sea, meditation happens. And then there is no doing, only moving into beyond; beyond this happening, JUST BEING; finally, disappearing into the ocean, becoming ocean one day which is beyond meditation and all doing.